Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Privacy Concern of Contact List Sharing

Hi Lagooners,

Recently, some of our members had raised a concern as stated in subject and yes, we understood & agree regarding this concern.

Motive of creating & maintain this contact list & share to all lagooners.
  • Emergency references.
  • Building up a channel to allow everyone of us to know our neighbors better.
  • Communities usage (passing information, forming official RA/community, collecting funds (eg, security, fencing), etc.
Summarize of our members concern regarding privacy.
  • Not everyone like to expose themselves to everyone.
  • Doesn't wish to receive unnecessary email/call from "someone" or spam.
Solution proposed
  • Each house row will select a row representative to keep that contact list which content members info for that particular row only.
    • Reason - we believe most of us will get our left/right/front or back neighbors contact for emergency cases. Hence, we just advice to extend a bit to row wise. Because these are the people you might meet them frequently and they are the nearest helper in case of emergency too.
    • Concern Control - as now everyone's contacts was maintain by they row reps, if you found out ur information had been use for other purpose, we know who to go after with.
    • Hence, we strongly advice each house row members to select the most trust-able person to be their row reps.
Like I said, some how our community need a full version of this contact list for community usage only, hence, each row reps will send their version back to central control from time to time. With this approach, hopefully we able to protect everyone's privacy and at the same time, meeting our community needs.

Thanks and Regards
Albert Ho

p.s. I might not able to do big thing, but together as 1 team, yes we can!!!

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