Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Security Company Presentation & Moving Forward

On 23rd Oct, our committee members conducted a presentation and Q&A session with a security company to understand and evaluate its capability to perform its duty at our beloved Lagoon. The 1st technical screening was completed and we are now going thru with all other important details before completing and confirmation of selection.
All Lagooners must bear in mind that we need to achieve certain numbers of residents participation in order to make our neighbourhood to a Guarded Community. We have identified a few ways so that the message are relayed to all residents and we sincerely hope that we can have everyone's support to achieve it. November will be a busy month where we are arranging for (1)Security Company Site Inspection (to see and evaluate the security company performance at their current customer base, (2) House to house visit to residents house for registration invitation (3) Flyers, SMS, Phone Calls, E Mails to all residents for registration invitation (4) General Assembly for All Residents to attend Security Briefing and Community Activities. This will be the best time and venue to brief all residents on the security company's scope and responsibility, method of payments, future planning as well as a kickstart to know our neighbours
On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank PPKK for its support to facilitate our activities as well as plans to provide Banking facilities to accomodate the residents payments in the future. It seems that we have a good planning strategised and we plead to all residents to be actively involved in our implementation.

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